Friday, August 26, 2005

Standardized Testing

six and a half week countdown!! i'm getting so antsy that i'm already trying to occupy my time by creating this account to document an experience i'm not yet having. when they say not to quit your job until you're placed... there's some logic to that. i've already been "unemployed" for two months and as nice as all this sleep is, there is only so much reading and eating a person can do. i'm attempting to stretch the limits but i am only human. although i haven't yet gotten bored enough to actually unpack my boxes from moving so i guess i haven't hit total desperation :) anyways, hopefully this will actually work. i can't believe there are programs logical enough for people as web-illiterate as myself to actually post to. i'm even going to be rash and attempt to attach a photo just to truly test the limits of my powers. bold. (thanks to tasha for her consent to have her photo published on the web so i don't have to be a geek posting pictures of myself alone)