Saturday, November 19, 2005

Last Lap

This afternoon we are packing up our bags yet again and heading back to Falevao for our last stretch in the village. We still have three more weeks of training but it definitely feels like things are winding down as we realize that coming back to Apia next time will mean that training is basically complete. We have spent a couple of relatively hectic days here- yesterday was the annual all-volunteer conference where everyone from the volunteers who are leaving this month through us showed up for a day full of presentations and activites and all around appreciation and acknowledgement of what's been going on. It was a fun and very interesting day. We ate about six meals and got lots of fun statistics on random things. This afternoon before we take off there is a Peace Corps Thanksgiving feast since everyone is in town for the conference, so we're going to go there and celebrate our American holiday before immersing ourselves in the Samoan way of life back in the village. Next thurday, on the actual day of thanksgiving, we will have a Samoan cooking day where we are taught all of the traditional recipes and cooking procedures used here. It will be a nice Thanksgiving activity but I must also say I'm looking forward to some slightly more westernized Thanksgiving items this afternoon. Not too much to report, I'm mainly focusing on looking forward to the time coming up in the village. I'm excited to use the time to really immerse myself in the language and trying to practice using Samoan as much as possible and becoming as fluent as I can in the little time I have left in such an ideal learning and practicing environment. I won't be able to get to a computer while I'm out there over the next few weeks but I'll try to type stuff up out there so at least when I come back it gives an idea of what we've been up to. In the mean time try not to miss me and hearing from me too much (I know it'll be hard). Off we go...